About LifeOfANewFather

I love being a father, I want to become the best father I can be, and I want to help other fathers be their best. My daughter is young, only 7 months at the time of writing, so I’m not the most experienced but I’m dedicated to being an amazing father for her. I’m spending my limited free time learning and exploring the best ways to approach fatherhood.

During my journey, I’m going to share posts that answer the questions I have and other discussion topics that are relevant to growing as a father. Some of these will be long-winded, some will be shorter and more direct, but they’ll all be purposeful and hopefully useful.

In addition, you’ll see product reviews for items related to the topics I discuss; these are the highest-rated relevant products at the time of writing. The goal is to be a one-stop resource for new fathers looking to be prepared for what fatherhood will throw at them. Ultimately, I want to save you time and money so you can spend that with your loved ones.

Thank you for being here.